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Forecast | Actual vs Budget Power BI Sample report

$159 $149

Forecast | Actual vs Budget Power BI template to analyze revenue and quantity at various detail levels, perform Forecast, Compare Actual vs Budget over multiple periods

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This report template helps businesses analyze, estimate and compare the reality with the business plan of many retail and wholesale stores.

The report is designed to be super interactive, making it easy for businesses to analyze revenue and output at different levels of detail. This is designed to be flexible, can analyze estimates and compare each period or cumulatively. It can also handle large Excel data files.

Report Customization is available and at discount price. Email us at for more details

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Purchase condition:

The template is for Private Use Only (not for distribution or resale)

The template may NOT be sold, distributed, published to an online gallery, hosted on a website, or placed on any server in a way that makes it available to the general public.


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